Alexander Wang's women's hand and shoulder bags are special pieces that reflect the brand's modern and stylish design approach. These bags, each carefully designed, stand out with their practical designs suitable for daily use and with details that will complement elegance at special events.
Alexander Wang bags generally have modern designs with minimalist and sharp lines. Clean lines, bold details and the brand's signature metal hardware give the bags a sophisticated look. With these features, Alexander Wang bags are appreciated by women of all ages and styles.
Bags are usually made of high-quality leather or other luxury materials. The brand's carefully selected materials and excellent workmanship increase the durability and elegance of the bags. Additionally, the details and elegant designs on the bags reflect Alexander Wang's quality and craftsmanship.
100% leather small square bag
Inside the bag structure: mobile phone case, soft surface and soft handle
Product size: 19 x 7 x 11cm